<艺术icle about="/academics/history" class="node node--type-program-of-study node--view-mode-full" data-history-node-id="231" role="艺术icle">
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历史是研究一切事物的学问. 无论你的专业或兴趣是什么, 历史包含了政治, 经济学, 宗教, 科学, 艺术, 数学, 工程, 音乐, 跳舞, 时尚, 食物, 文学, 法律, 体育, 战争, 医学——每一种都有自己的历史. In other words, the history major explores every aspect of the human experience.

学习过去可以提高你的技能,比如写作, 研究, and critical thinking—to navigate life after college. 此外, students of history accumulate knowledge of societies and appreciate traditions from around the world. This cultured sensibility will help you build personal and professional relationships with people from all walks of life.

Large institutions just can’t provide the individualized attention and opportunity you’ll find here. 在ONU,你不会出现在人群中. From the time you arrive on campus until you graduate, you’ll be guided by a faculty advisor. Your class sizes will be small and you can tailor your education to your interests. 我们的专业教授会了解你. They will support you in your coursework, 研究, internships, and career preparations. You’ll arrive on campus as a student, but you’ll leave as a seasoned professional.

You’ll arrive on campus as a student, but you’ll leave a seasoned professional. 毕业后, you’ll be ready for whatever the future holds – whether it’s attending graduate school or embarking on a career. The career outlook for this field is truly wide open.