Students in the art education major will:

1. 展示对各种视觉艺术进行批判性思考的能力.
2. 验证操作设计元素和原则的能力.
3. Verify creativity and productivity in the visual arts.
4. 展示艺术家和视觉艺术的历史知识.
5. Demonstrate technical proficiency.






Students in the graphic design major will:

1. 检验对各种设计进行批判性思考的能力.
2. 培养运用构图要素和原则的能力.
3. Build creative and productive solutions.
4. 了解艺术家/设计师和艺术/设计的历史知识.
5. Demonstrate technical proficiency.
6. 在研究的基础上构建解决视觉传达问题的方案.







  1. 理解戏剧制作的所有领域.
  2. 运用批判性思维分析和批判戏剧体验.
  3. 执行与技术戏剧领域相关的高水平技术,并将其适当地股份有限公司官网于生产和课堂作业. 
  4. Articulate one’s artistic voice while creating, presenting, producing, performing, responding, critiquing, and connecting.
  5. 将同行和同事提出的建设性批评纳入自己的专业实践.  
  6. 识别和探索戏剧在全球社会的过去,现在和未来的角色. 
  7. 评估自我,以便在当前领域为个人设计有效的营销策略. 
  8. 调查当前的人类经验和它是如何告知艺术表达. 
  9. 在尊重员工能力的同时,欣赏并融入独特的工作方式, races, religions, and cultural traditions of our diverse communities.
  10. 专业沟通,互动和网络与同行和同事在整个行业.






Students in the music major will:

1. At the completion of the program, 学生将在至少一个适合其学位课程水平的主要表演领域中使用艺术自我表达所需的表演技能, as soloists and ensemble members.
2. At the completion of the program, 学生将展示作为领导者和在音乐解释和教学方面的合作所需要的技能和知识, including rehearsal and conducting techniques.
3. At the completion of the program, 学生将发展对听觉音乐的共同元素和组织结构的理解, composition/improvisation, theoretical, and form analysis.
4. At the completion of the program, 学生将确定一个适当的知识和音乐的历史理解, cultural, and stylistic foundations. 
5. At the completion of the program, 学生将展示创作原创和/或衍生音乐的能力.
6. At the completion of the program, 学生将发展键盘熟练程度,以适当的学位课程. 
7. At the completion of the program, 学生将把使用当代音乐技术作为适当的学位课程. 




1. Demonstrate a mastery of the knowledge and skills required for successful PreK-12 music instruction; with emphasis on advocacy, philosophy, research and organization. 
2. Plan and design instruction based on comprehensive knowledge and skills in the music area; teaching that cultivates music literacy and embraces inclusion and engagement.
3. 通过使用支持批判性和创造性思维的策略来区分教学, problem-solving, and continuous musical growth. 
4. 创造安全的学习环境,激励每个学生达到高标准, 培养独立性,积极参与音乐课堂.  
5. Demonstrate performance skills required for artistic self-expression in at least one major performance area at levels appropriate for public school (PreK-12) and studio teaching; keyboard proficiency is required.
6. 在音乐课堂中,运用当代媒体和技术促进自我表达,支持个性化和差异化教学.







Students in the musical theatre major will:

1. 表演各种各样的音乐剧声乐曲目.
2. 用适当的技巧和对艺术的理解来唱歌.
3. 熟练掌握视读、乐理、术语和记谱.
4. Perform a wide variety of acting styles.
5. Apply acting theory to character study.
6. 用适当的技巧和对艺术的理解来表演.
7. Identify and appraise the role of theatre in society.
8. 表演多种多样的舞蹈形式,包括踢踏舞、爵士舞和芭蕾舞.
9. 用适当的技巧和对艺术的理解跳舞.
10. Develop an understanding of the rehearsal process.
11. 结合三个学科(唱歌、表演、舞蹈)的技能进行练习。.
12. Successfully engage in artistic collaboration.
13. 分析和批评戏剧和戏剧内容,同时发展批判性和创造性思维技能.
14. 理解并阐明戏剧如何以艺术的方式表达人类的处境.






Students in the studio arts major will:

1. 展示对各种视觉艺术进行批判性思考的能力.
2. 验证操作设计元素和原则的能力.
3. Verify creativity and productivity in the visual arts.
4. 展示艺术家和视觉艺术的历史知识.
5. Demonstrate technical proficiency.
6. 展示自己的工作能力,以体现一套连贯的审美和智力目标.






Students in the theatre major will:

1.  表现出对戏剧、表演和/或制作进行批判性思考的能力. 
2.  在积极参与戏剧过程的同时,综合研究、文本分析和理论.
3.  练习和重现与自己专注领域相关的精确技术.
4.  阐明戏剧或表演的社会和/或历史相关性, 特别是在社区参与的问题上, inclusiveness, and social justice.
5.  评估自己作为一个戏剧艺术家,并设计一个有效和适当的营销策略,为你所选择的领域.
6.  Successfully engage in artistic collaboration.