
作为一名电气工程专业的学生.J. Smull 工程学院, you’ll gain a strong foundation in the field of electrical engineering. 你要修电子学课程, 嵌入式系统, 控制系统, 电信, 信号处理和电力. If you’re passionate about a particular subject – like biomedical devices, 图像处理, 可再生能源, or robotics – you can choose from a variety of upper-level elective courses in these areas.

Your electrical engineering education will blend foundational principles with hands-on, 真实世界的学习经历. 我们在每门课程中都提供综合的实验和设计经验. 你会股份有限公司官网你在课堂上学到的知识, 并有机会磨练领导技能, 团队合作, 创造力和企业家精神. 这些技能将帮助你找到工作并获得晋升.

Our program emphasizes getting to know the individual student for personalized mentorship and academic advising in a supportive and collaborative environment. Your professors and fellow students in the college will become part of your academic support network, 为你的成功而努力. You will have the opportunity to connect with ONU alumni and they will also help you succeed and open doors for you.

毕业后, 你会为未来做好准备, 无论是在机器人领域, 自动化, 电网, 电子设计, 或者创办自己的公司!