
Our technology education program will turn you into one of the coolest teachers in school! You’ll be the tech-savvy teacher who can mastermind your own video games and 构建 and command robots.

我们的课程强调实践学习. You’ll spend a lot of time designing, experimenting and fabricating in the lab. 你还将为真正的客户处理项目. You’ll delve into coursework on computers, manufacturing technology, construction, science and math. In addition, you’ll take education courses and spend time observing and teaching in local classrooms. 你将了解青少年的发展, 课程, 课堂策略, 教学方法等等. 你毕业后就可以拿到技术教学执照了, 四至十二年级, 在俄亥俄州.

Large institutions just can’t provide the individualized attention and opportunity you’ll find here. Our technology education majors observe and teach in rural, suburban and urban school districts. 他们协助教授做研究, 参加全国比赛,参加地区会议. 他们出国留学,领导学生组织.

From the time you arrive on campus until you graduate, you’ll be guided by a faculty advisor. You’ll enjoy small class sizes and amazing friendships with your classmates. 我们的专业教授会了解你. They will support you in your coursework, research, student teaching and career preparations. They will become personally invested in your success and open doors for you.

教书需要知识、激情和技巧的特殊结合. Rest assured; when you graduate from ONU, you’ll be thoroughly prepared to make a difference in the lives of young people!