主要 小

Our public relations program combines rigorous academics with 实践学习. Sure, you’ll study all the theories and concepts. But you’ll also put them to the test in the real world. 你会磨练对成功很重要的技能——比如领导能力、团队合作能力和社交能力. 你会遇到许多不同领域的公关专家,他们会和你分享他们的故事,为你打开一扇门.

When you first arrive on campus, we’ll assign you a 教师 mentor who will work with you until you graduate. 你将享受小班授课,并与公共关系专业的同学建立友谊. Your dedicated professors will get to know you. They will guide you in your coursework, 实践学习, internships and post-graduate or career preparations. They will become personally invested in your success – in college and beyond.

毕业后, you’ll be ready to guide businesses, 非营利组织, government agencies and more with effective communication strategies. Within a short time, you’ll be a rising star in the world of public relations!